How to keep your child safe

Tips for parents on how to keep your child safe in different areas of his life

Raising children is always associated with a certain degree of anxiety. It is common to hear about accidents involving children in the news today.

When thinking about the risks your children face on a daily basis, it’s wise to be cautious and do everything you can to keep them safe. Let’s look at some tips to help you address the most common hazards that can threaten your child.

Safety on the roads and in transportation

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of death these days. Teenagers often suffer in car accidents. Causes are often drunk driving or using cell phones while driving. Parents of teens are constantly reminding them to follow the rules when driving, and teens say they are tired of these reminders.

When you drive with your child in the car, make sure the child is buckled up. Young children should be careful when crossing the roadway or rollerblading near it. Remind your child that drivers are not always as careful as they should be. When your child walks after dark, make sure his clothes are brightly colored, contain reflective elements, and that he himself has a flashlight.

Internet Safety

The Internet is one of the biggest sources of danger for children today. Hackers and cyberbullying users use children to gain access to files stored on your computer. Online bullying is just as traumatic for a child as it is in real life. Sometimes it is even more dangerous because it can happen anytime a child is at home.

Make sure your child is free to talk to you about such incidents. Also be alert to changes in your child’s behavior, such as when they show anxiety or refuse to go to school.

Tell your child about Internet safety. If he or she uses social media, make sure his or her profile is set up to be private. Tell your child to never open links sent by strangers. You can also use controls to limit young children’s access to the Internet.

How to keep your child safe in the home

Consider the most common hazards a child may encounter at home:

Water Safety

  • Falling. Open windows, stairwells, and high furniture can all pose a danger to young children. The best way to prevent possible trouble is your vigilance. Close windows when your child is near them;
  • poisoning. Many household items (including detergents) are toxic to children. Be sure to cover containers of household chemicals, keep them in a safe place, and don’t leave them where children can find them;
  • Kitchen utensils and appliances. When you cook, keep an eye on your child, especially if they are young. Make sure you close the oven door when it is hot. Children can cut themselves with a knife or other sharp object, so you should keep all cooking utensils pointing down;
  • Pets. Children are often bitten by dogs. Statistically speaking, these are often the neighbor’s dogs and even more often their own dogs. Never leave a young child alone with a dog, even if you are sure that nothing bad can happen. Teach your child to never agree to walk a neighbor’s dog.

In summer, children love to swim. However, swimming, boating or other similar activities pose some risk to a child. Remember that statistics show that children often drown in shallow water (including pools and bathtubs at home). Teach your child to swim as early as possible. Allow him or her to swim only under adult supervision. When your child goes boating, make sure he always wears a life vest.

Healthy habits for your child

Some parents overlook the risk of their child developing obesity and other diseases associated with sedentary and unhealthy eating habits. Obesity and diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents have increased dramatically recently. Compared to children of previous generations, today’s children spend more time at home, in front of computer screens and TV sets.

Lack of physical activity combined with poor nutrition leads children to poor health. Parents should monitor their child’s nutrition, motivate their child to exercise, play outside, and be physically active. Limit your children’s TV time and use of electronic devices such as computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.

Safety at School

Parents should take reasonable precautions and do everything possible to keep their child safe at school. You should also prevent a common problem like bullying at school. To do this, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Be active. Go to regular parent-teacher meetings at school, get to know your child’s teachers. Take part in the social activities of the school. This will help you ensure your child’s safety at school and also help you contribute to the life of the school;
  • Keep track of your child’s social life. If he is having trouble making friends at school, help him. One way to do this is to make friends with the parents of your child’s classmates. Locked-up kids who don’t have friends are more likely to be targets for bullies and are more prone to depression and other similar problems;
  • make sure that the child can contact you quickly in case of need. The best way to do this is to give your child a cell phone with the parents’ phone numbers already entered into it. This way your child can reach you quickly at any time;
  • Teach your child safety rules. Explain to him that he should be wary of strangers talking to him on the street. Tell them who they should turn to if they get lost, run out of money, or feel afraid for any reason.
    These tips will help you keep your child safe in today’s world. The main safety factor is communication. It is important that your child feels comfortable and free to tell you anything that concerns him. Ask him or her questions about how he or she is doing at school and how he or she is getting along with friends. Pay attention to any signs of possible problems.

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